Illinoisarchaeologicalsurvey |
Illinois ArchaeologyIllinois Archaeology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published annually by the Illinois Archaeological Survey (IAS). The journal publishes original articles relating to the archaeology of Illinois. IAS members receive Illinois Archaeology as part of their membership benefits. Illinois Archaeology has published hundreds of articles since the first volume of the journal appeared in 1989. The most recent volume is number 35 (2023). For a list of published articles, see the index to the table of contents. Digital copies of the five most recent volumes are available to IAS members by logging into the website and accessing the Members Only page. Older issues are publicly available for download with a moving five-year wall. Illinois Archaeology is also digitally available from EBSCO in its Academic Search™ Complete series. Check your library for access to this service. Contact the Editor regarding institutional subscriptions, nonmember subscriptions, and the availability of printed back issues.Contributions should be emailed to the Editor, Michael Conner at Review the Instructions for Contributors before making submissions. |