Illinoisarchaeologicalsurvey |
Illinois Archaeology publishes original articles relating to the archaeology of Illinois and surrounding regions. The Illinois Archaeological Survey holds copyright on all material published in the journal. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to use previously copyrighted material in their submissions. A manuscript submitted to Illinois Archaeology should not have been published elsewhere. Authors submit manuscripts to the editor. Book reviews are solicited by the book review editor.
Please submit articles in electronic form, either on computer disks or as e-mail attachments. Text, notes, figure captions, and references should be in Microsoft Word or RTF format. Tables should be in Word table format, Excel files, RTF, or ASCII tab-delimited or CSV files with each table in a separate file. For ASCII files include a PDF file that shows the table layout. Figures should be submitted as TIF, JPG, or PNG files for images or mixed vector/image files with a resolution of 300 dpi. Purely vector art files should be submitted as PDF files. Contact the editor if you need to use other formats. Follow American Antiquity style guidelines for text, figures, tables, notes, and references. Include an abstract of 150 words or less summarizing the article and its conclusions. Cite all figures by consecutive number within the text. The References Cited section should include all, but only those, references cited in the text. Spell out authors' given names in reference citations, when available.