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Archaeobotanist, Central Officem Illinois State Archaeological Survey

02/25/2014 2:23 PM | Anonymous

Academic Hourly Position
Illinois State Archaeological Survey, Prairie Research Institute

Primary Position Function/Summary
Conduct analysis of plant remains from archaeological sites including all aspects of archaeobotanical sample collection, identification, analysis, archaeological interpretation, report preparation, and curation.

Major Duties and Responsibilities
Perform the identification and recordation of carbonized plant remains from archaeological sites, including the quantification of results and preparation of appropriate tables, the analysis and interpretation of the archaeological significance of the archaeobotanical remains, and the preparation of archaeobotanical reports as appropriate.  Maintain electronic and handwritten archaeobotanical laboratory databases, including, but not limited to the floatation sample number log, the radiocarbon date results database, and the Laboratory Tracking Form.  Track samples through the analytic process by inventorying the movement of samples through the laboratory, maintain electronic logs of individual site samples, and ensure the analyzed floatation samples are curated properly.  Undertake general laboratory duties, such as order supplies, organize storage shelves, help to maintain comparative collections, and sample cleaning and maintenance as needed.  Supervise and/or train other staff members, archaeological assistants, lab technicians, and students in processing data and conducting analytical procedures and techniques.

Position Requirements and Qualifications
Education: Minimum B.A., M.A. preferred, in Anthropology or related discipline with 3 years experience in archaeobotany working with a qualified paleoethnobotanist.

Experience:  Must have experience in identifying and quantifying archaeobotanical data sets, and a demonstrated ability to complete archaeobotanical projects and reports in a timely and competent manner. Basic familiarity with computer word-processing, graphic, and database programs required.  Must have a basic familiarity with Eastern Woodlands archaeological culture history and Illinois archaeological culture history. Knowledge of midwestern plant communities and ecology, plant anatomy, taxonomy, paleoecology, and native plant utilization is useful.

This position is currently a full-time Academic Hourly with no benefits, however, a full-time, benefit’s eligible position may be created at some future date.  Hourly rate based on experience.  Position open until filled.

Contact Mary Simon, Senior Archaeobotanist, ISAS, at 217-333-0854 or for additional information or questions.

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