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Open Position – Principal Investigator, Jackson, Michigan (CCRG)

06/06/2014 1:07 PM | Anonymous

Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. (CCRG) desires to fill the position of Project Principal Investigator/Project Archaeologist. The position will be located in our Jackson, Michigan, office. This position requires experience in conducting Phase I surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recoveries, as well as a solid understanding of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Register of Historic Places evaluation of historic properties. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of a M.A. (Ph.D. preferred) in anthropology/archaeology, or historic preservation. Experience working on Forest Service projects is a plus. 

This position will be responsible for supervisory and project management of CRM projects. The position will conduct, oversee, and direct archaeological research and field investigations designed to identify NRHP-eligible historic properties. Work will involve the following responsibilities: directing Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III investigations; permitting and excavating human burials in accordance with state and federal statues; preparing and reviewing archaeological reports; designing and administering archaeological databases; hiring and supervising archaeological field and lab personnel; participating in professional organizations and meetings; preparing publications; and serving as a liaison to the public, government officials and clients. This position will include proposal-writing and new business development. 

This position requires expert knowledge of the Section 106 and NEPA process and the ability to prepare well organized, thorough CRM documents is essential. Experience with large linear projects, including pipelines, and the Archaeological Resource Protection Act and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission CRM procedure is essential. Knowledge of computers, databases, GPS, and GIS is important. Areas of analytical expertise are open, but demonstrated ability to conduct artifact analyses and write key sections of reports (methods, results, artifact analyses) is a must. 

Salary range for this position is competitive and dependent on experience with opportunities for advancement and higher salary; we seek a candidate who wishes to grow within the company. CCRG offers an excellent range of benefits (health, dental, life, and disability insurance, 401(k) with employer contribution, paid leave, etc.). CCRG is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Send letters of interest, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and a list of three professional references with contact information to: 

Andrew J. Weir, President

Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc.

2530 Spring Arbor Road

Jackson, MI 49203

Applications and supporting materials may be submitted by e-mail to 

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The Illinois Archaeological Survey is a society of professional archaeologists, and other technical professionals, dedicated to identifying and preserving important archaeological resources throughout the state of Illinois.

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