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Position: Curator, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

07/27/2017 11:55 AM | Anonymous

Southern Illinois University Carbondale invites applications for the position of Assistant Scientist (Curator, Center for Archaeological Investigations), 12 month, A/P appointment).  Applicants must have a PhD in Anthropology or related discipline with a specialization in Archaeology. Geographic, topical, and temporal (prehistoric or historic) specialties are open, but preference is for North America.  Applicants must have supervisory experience including but not limited to the supervision and training of graduate student assistants, undergraduate student workers, and other employees in the curation of archaeological materials and records in compliance with state and federal laws. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in working with NAGPRA-related issues is desired. Applicants also should have a demonstrated record of successfully obtaining and completing grant and/or CRM contract-funded research projects in a university, museum, government agency, or private sector setting with a commensurate record of peer reviewed publications and/or CRM compliance report completion. As curator, the individual will have responsibility for administering the CAI curation facility, maintaining and updating the CAI NAGPRA inventory, overseeing the care of human remains and funerary objects, expanding the CAI’s role in research and training, and conducting and publishing their own research.


For complete details, please visit, position COLA-838. 


Deadline for Application: August 14, 2017, or until filled.


Person to Contact: Mark Wagner, Chair of Search Committee, Center for Archaeological Investigations, 1000 Faner Dr., Mail Code 4527, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 (email:; phone 618-453-5055). E-mail or mail application letter that summarizes your administrative and teaching experiences, research interests, publication record, and potential contribution to the Center and Department along with your curriculum vita and three letters of recommendation.


SIU Carbondale is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer of individuals with disabilities and protected veterans that strives to enhance its ability to develop a diverse faculty and staff and to increase its potential to serve a diverse student population. All applications are welcomed and encouraged and will receive consideration.

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The Illinois Archaeological Survey is a society of professional archaeologists, and other technical professionals, dedicated to identifying and preserving important archaeological resources throughout the state of Illinois.

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