As of March 1, the SHPO has implemented the following changes to the Phase I survey guidelines including:
an increase in minimum surface visibility of 40% due to no-till agricultural practices and 5m survey interval.
At least one shovel test is to be placed in each site located to provide information on potential integrity. Photographs of representative shovel test profiles (with scale) are to be included.
Shovel testing required on all parcels with less than 40% surface visibility.
Pedestrian survey in standing corn is now at every other row due to limited peripheral visibility.
No survey in mature beans.
Photos of surface conditions within project area from multiple scales and reference points keyed to a map are now required.
Additional changes to come are still under discussion and may include:
Supplemental shovel testing for all project areas in the near future. Details regarding number per acre and under which conditions are still being discussed.
Contacting regional archaeologist list for out-of-state/non IAS member contractors.
guidelines can be found here: