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2020 Illinois Field School Contributions

01/24/2020 3:11 PM | Anonymous

Each year, the IAS website lists field schools in Illinois. Please send your 2020 field school information to Joe Galloy ( The new field school page will be posted in early February 2020, and it will be updated as new contributions come in. The field school information will also be disseminated via Twitter and Facebook after it is posted on the IAS website. This is the required information:

(1) Institution offering the field school, (2) Name and/or subject of field school, (3) Location, (4) Start and end dates, (5) Brochure, flier, and/or website link, if available, (6) Contact person's name and email address (plus phone number, if desired), and (7) One photo, if available. A high-resolution jpeg (at least 1MB and no more than 6MB in size) is preferred. Please crop the photo to an aspect ratio of 3:4 (height to length), landscape orientation.

See last year's field school page to see how your information will be formatted.

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The Illinois Archaeological Survey is a society of professional archaeologists, and other technical professionals, dedicated to identifying and preserving important archaeological resources throughout the state of Illinois.

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