The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is surveying professional archaeologists and members of the public involved in archaeology education to learn about their use and knowledge of the existing SAA For the Public Webpages. Information collected will help the SAA update and redesign the webpages to best meet the needs of members and educators interested in archaeological education and outreach.
The survey consists of 13 questions total. If you have not previously visited the For the Public Webpages your feedback is still needed and appreciated. The first two questions ask whether you have used the site. If you respond "yes" to those questions, you will be directed to seven questions asking how you use the current site and your satisfaction levels with various features. The final portion of the survey asks what new aspects of the revised site you would like to see. If you respond "no" to the first two questions, an additional five questions will ask you about your use of public outreach websites in general. The survey is a mix of multiple choice and short open comment fields. Before starting the survey, members are encouraged to visit the For the Public webpages: but this is not mandatory. Please allow about 10-15 minutes to take the survey.
Please click on the following link to take the survey:
The survey will remain open until July 22,2015. Thank you in advance for your participation. If you have additional comments or questions you can contact Elizabeth Bollwerk, Project Coordinator of the For the Public Webpages taskforce at