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  • 08/17/2016 1:30 PM | Anonymous

    See the previous news post on the same subject.

  • 07/27/2016 12:35 PM | Anonymous

    The IAS Public Service Committee is still seeking nominations for this year’s awards. The award ceremony will be held during the IAS meeting at the MAC in Iowa City. Past recipients of awards are listed on the IAS website.

    Please submit any nominations to Clare Tolmie ( by August 15th, 2016.  These are the award categories:

    Charles J. Bareis Distinguished Service Award

    This award honors those individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to Illinois archaeology and/or the Illinois Archaeological Survey.

    The Leonard W. Blake Distinguished Amateur Award

    The Blake award is named in honor of its first recipient. It recognizes avocational archaeologists who have made significant contributions to Illinois archaeology and who have supported the goals and methodologies of professional archaeology.

    Honorary Lifetime Membership

    This award is given to recognize outstanding career achievements by members of the organization. The original Lifetime members were ‘pioneers’ of the organization.

    The Illinois Archaeology Career Achievement Award

    This award honors professional archaeologists for outstanding career accomplishments and contributions to our understanding of Illinois prehistory and history.

    The Illinois Archaeology Public Service Award

    This award recognizes important contributions to Illinois archaeology by public figures, private citizens, organizations and programs for their outstanding efforts to promote, protect and preserve cultural resources.

    The IAS Memorial Service Award

    This award honors the achievements of Illinois archaeologists whose careers have been cut short by fatal illness or accident.

  • 07/08/2016 6:38 PM | Anonymous

    The deadline has been extended from July 1 to July 31. Guidelines are here.

  • 06/15/2016 7:11 PM | Anonymous


    Illinois Antiquity

    Illinois Archaeology Awareness Month Issue Sept. 2016

    You’re Just My Type!

    Download the flier

    Our IAAM theme issue will again be a joint effort of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology (IAAA) and the Illinois Archaeological Survey (IAS). We plan a full-color issue that will feature articles related why and how we use artifact typology to interpret the past.

    Archaeologists organize artifacts into types based on the category of material (such as stone, clay, or bone), possible function or functions based on morphology and type of modification. Once critical for determining chronological sequences, artifact types, along with their associated contexts provide insights into the technological and social realm of past societies. How have recent studies of detailed material composition, use wear, and deposition context broadened our view of artifact interpretation? What is the role of experimental archaeology in altering previous classifications? What kinds of artifacts, once overlooked, are now analyzed to provide new information? How do we interpret unexpected or unusual artifacts that do not fit in with our preconceived notions?

    For the 2016 IAAM edition Illinois Antiquity, we seek articles that are related to Illinois artifact studies. Articles for this issue may be short (1000 words or fewer), or longer (2500 words), and can be as brief as an illustration of a single artifact with accompanying description, or longer articles written in a non-technical style. Our goal is to make the issue more like a magazine, widely accessible to many readers, with illustrations in the form of photos or figures. Detailed tables, lists of citations, or recommended readings will be placed on the IAAA web site as a companion to the issue. Illinois Antiquity authors’ guidelines may be found at To allow time for the issue to be printed before September, the deadline for articles is July 31, 2016.

    If you are able to contribute an article for our IAAM issue of Illinois Antiquity, please get in touch with Kevin McGowan ( If you have questions about IAAM events and/or the poster, please contact Joseph Wheeler ( or phone 815.423.2125). Our goal is to send out the posters during the summer so everyone will have them by Awareness Month in September, and to have the publication completed before September.

    If you would like to donate funds to the poster and publication for 2016 Illinois Archaeology Awareness Month, please send your check (payable to Illinois Archaeological Survey or IAS) to Kevin McGowan, IAS Secretary, at Public Service Archaeology & Architecture Program, University of Illinois, 109 Davenport Hall, 607 South Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801. All donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged on the IAAM web site. Donations of $100 or more will be designated as sponsors and will be listed on the poster and the publication.


    Thank You for Your Support

  • 05/06/2016 9:45 AM | Anonymous



    SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016

    8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.


    Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site

    30 Ramey Street

    Collinsville, IL 62234

    Presenters should submit an abstract, with presentation title and your institutional or other affiliation, to Bill Iseminger ( or or Mark Esarey (, or mail to us at the address above. If you have any questions, you can call us at


    Registration will be $5.00, cash or check, payable at the door. The conference is open to the public. Registration will be from 8:30-9:00 a.m.  Presentations will be 15-minutes on any topic relevant to Mississippian or related research. Lunch break will be from 11:30-1:30, lunch on your own. We will have breaks with refreshments mid-morning and mid-afternoon. We will provide a laptop and projector, so you can bring your presentation on a flash-drive.

  • 04/21/2016 10:55 AM | Anonymous

    Submissions are being accepted for the annual student paper competition. Please see the guidelines. Students: please apply. Professors: please encourage your students to apply!

  • 04/11/2016 10:10 AM | Anonymous

    Call for Papers and Proposals for Teacher Workshops

    18th Annual Conference on Illinois History

    October 6 & 7, 2016

    Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library



    Proposals for individual papers or panels on any aspect of Illinois’ history, culture, politics, geography, literature, and archaeology are requested for the Conference on Illinois History. The Conference especially welcomes submissions exploring the upcoming bicentennial of statehood. We encourage submissions from professional and avocational historians, graduate students, and those engaged in the study of Illinois history at libraries, historic sites, museums, and historical societies.

    Proposals for teacher workshops. Are you a teacher who has created an innovative, comprehensive, or timely curriculum on some aspect of Illinois’ history, culture, politics, geography, literature, or archaeology? Share your expertise with other teachers at the Conference on Illinois History.

    The deadline for proposals is May 1, 2016.

    To submit your proposal for a paper, panel, or teacher workshop, send: 

    • A one page summary of the topic, including a description of the major primary and secondary sources used. A one page summary of the topic, including a description of the major primary and secondary sources used. 
    • A one-page resume of participant(s).

    Send proposals to: Samuel Wheeler, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62701. For more information, call 217-557-8336.

  • 03/29/2016 3:39 PM | Anonymous

    ISAS's 2015 Annual Report was just released. It documents ISAS's discoveries and research over the last year. Highlights include:

    • Maize only arrives in Illinois at A.D. 900—not A.D. 200 as previously thought;
    • Cahokia, North America’s rst city, was comprised of one-third immigrants;
    • The East St. Louis site participated in early and extensive trade in pottery vessels and stone 
    tools, housed specialized workshops, and ended in destruction by re;

    • 2000-year old native village discovered under modern-day Meredosia; and • Reanalysis identi es a unique bob kitten burial from 2000 years ago. 

  • 03/02/2016 10:40 AM | Anonymous

    About ISAS's East St. Louis excavations for the Stan Musial Bridge.

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The Illinois Archaeological Survey is a society of professional archaeologists, and other technical professionals, dedicated to identifying and preserving important archaeological resources throughout the state of Illinois.

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