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  • 02/24/2016 1:42 PM | Anonymous

  • 02/15/2016 2:39 PM | Anonymous

    The Society for American Archaeology and a consortium of other organizations and individuals are launching a newsletter--called Notes--that should be of interest to public archaeologists. teachers, and many others. According to the first issue, "Each issue showcases a few of the many organizations, programs, projects, publications, media, social media, and other resources to help archaeologists reach out to networks and communities and help non-archaeologists learn about and participate in our work."

    Read the first issue here.

  • 01/19/2016 1:42 PM | Anonymous

    The Illinois State Archaeological Survey has several announcements to start off the new year.


    Clare Tolme has joined the Northern Illinois Field Station as a Senior Research Archaeologist. Clare’s career as an archaeologist began in England. She has worked on Middle and Upper Paleolithic sites in France, on Romano-British, Anglo-Saxon and Mediaeval sites in England and on everything from PaleoIndian to Industrial sites in the U.S. The majority of her field experience has been in the Midwest. Her particular areas of expertise are faunal analysis, and historic archaeology. Clare’s interests lie in subsistence and landscape use, particularly how prehistoric people adapted to changes in their environment and how historic landscape organization changed over time.

    Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa.

    M.A.  Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa.

    B.A.  Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, England.

    Email:  Phone: 815 282 0762


    Megan Gilbert joined the Central Offices as a Visiting Historic Architectural Compliance Specialist on January 4th. Her duties are to develop historic building survey reports for IDOT projects, and to conduct field surveys and archival research for federal and state transportation projects to identify and document historic resources.

    Megan Gilbert has a B.S. degree in Architecture (2012) from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and an M.S. degree in Historic Preservation (2014) from Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti.  Megan recently (2014-2015) interned with the City of Jackson, Michigan and the Jackson Historic District Commission and assisted with the survey and documentation of over 300 properties for the “Under the Oaks Historic District.” In 2013/2014, she served as Architectural Historian Consultant for the firm Quinn Evans Architects where she assisted with the research and documentation of the “Mount Pleasant Historic Business District” in Michigan.



    Stephen Thompson joined the Central Offices as a Visiting Historic Architectural Compliance Specialist on January 4th. His duties are to develop historic building survey reports for IDOT projects, and to conduct field surveys and archival research for federal and state transportation projects to identify and document historic resources. 

    Stephen Thompson has an M.A. degree in History/Historical Administration (1989) from Eastern Illinois University.  He has served as president of Intrepid Consulting Services, Inc., since 1998, an organization that provides administrative, strategic planning and technical guidance to government agencies, private firms, and not-for-profit organizations undertaking historic property management programs and compliance with federal and state historic preservation statutes. Stephen serves as a regional planning representative for Landmarks Illinois, the state’s leading voice for historic preservation.



    The Springfield Research Office has a new address:

    Springfield Research Office

    1023 W. Dorlan Ave. Suite B

    Springfield, IL 62702-2346


    Located at the office are Robert Mazrim, Ken Farnsworth, and John Walthall


    The Northern Illinois Field Station (NIFS) will be moving to Elgin, Illinois on January 15th the new address is:

    Northern Illinois Field Station

    21 North Union Street Unit A

    Elgin, IL 60123



    ISAS has received two international honors for 2015. The Shanghai Archaeological Forum (SAF) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing has named the Illinois State Archaeological Survey’s (ISAS) East St. Louis Archaeological Project as one of the top ten archaeological field projects in the world. The project is being recognized at SAF’s December meeting in China. The Illinois State Archaeological Survey is part of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois.

    SAF Field Discovery Awards (Major Archaeological Field-Discoveries)

    The SAF Field Discovery Awards are presented for archaeological excavations or surveys that have yielded major discoveries significantly furthering or even altering our knowledge of the human past, locally and/or globally. To be eligible for this award, the nominated work must be a scientific archaeological excavation or survey, legally authorized in the country where it was undertaken. The principal investigator responsible for the nominated work must hold an internationally recognized qualification for archaeological excavation or survey in the country where the nominated work was carried out.

    Archaeology Magazine recognized the ‘Bobkitten Buried Like a Human’ as one of the top 10 discoveries of 2015 and is featured in their 2016 January/February issue. Here is the link to the story on their website:

    ATAM Symposium

    Program on Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials is holding its Fourth Science and Archaeology Symposium.  Symposium is Friday, February 19th 8:30-4:30. Illini Union Room 314. Free registration and is open to the public. See link for more information

  • 01/13/2016 6:31 PM | Anonymous

  • 01/13/2016 10:57 AM | Anonymous

  • 12/09/2015 5:34 PM | Anonymous

    Illinois Association for Advancement Archaeology

    Permanent Fund Grants 

    The IAAA Permanent Fund has been in existence since 2000 and has awarded annual research assistance grants since 2004. These grants are open to avocational, professional, student, and educational groups for projects conducted within the state of Illinois. In 2016, the IAAA Permanent Fund will award three $400 grants. The deadline for grant applications is Sunday, January 17, 2016. The application form as well as guidelines and requirements for a grant are available on the IAAA website under the Permanent Fund link ( 

  • 10/13/2015 5:27 PM | Anonymous
    Current Illinois Antiquity Editor Alice Berkson and Design Editor Kelvin Sampson are stepping down as editors in 2016. The Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology board is seeking replacements for these volunteer positions, which could be combined, and would start in the Spring of 2016. If you would like to be a key part of a 550+ member organization that strives to bring knowledge of Illinois archaeology to the public, this may be the job for you! For more information, please get in touch with IAAA President Pro Tempore Doug Jackson at or Alice Berkson at or Kelvin Sampson at

  • 09/11/2015 6:48 PM | Anonymous

    The theme for the 2015 Illinois Archaeology Awareness Month is 'The Future of the Past: Science in Archaeology'. As part of our efforts to inform people about different techniques used by archaeologists (geophysics, PIMA, XRF, isotopes, aDNA, LiDAR, etc) we would like to include brief descriptions of the techniques on the IAAM website and then provide links to webpages that describe the application of the techniques in archaeology. We are asking for contributions to the webpage by anyone who has or is currently using these techniques as part of your research project. This could be a great way to highlight advances in Illinois archaeology in recent years through providing examples of your research efforts.

    If you would like to contribute, please contact Karen AtwellEve Hargrave, or Joe Wheeler. We would need  several introductory sentences describing your research and then the actual link for more information.

    Thank you.

    Eve Hargrave

  • 09/10/2015 6:45 PM | Anonymous

    ACRA – the American Cultural Resources Association – is beginning a new online learning series designed especially for people working in the Cultural Resource Management Industry. Classes are targeted to  people working in middle to upper management and the first class addresses issues of Human Resources. It is particularly designed for smaller or medium companies who don’t have an HR manager, or, of course anyone who has to regularly deal with these issues.  Registration information is below, and you do not have to be an ACRA member to participate (you just get a slightly better deal if you are).

    The program so far includes:

    Sept 22, 2015

    Human Resource Basics – What Small Businesses Need to Know

    October 2015

    Designing A Safety Program to Protect Your Human and Financial Assets

    December 2015

    Proposal Writing for Cultural Resources Management Professionals

    January 2016

    How to Host an Intern, Grow Your Business, and Develop Future Leaders

    Check out the new tab for the Education Committee on the ACRA web site if you need some more information

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The Illinois Archaeological Survey is a society of professional archaeologists, and other technical professionals, dedicated to identifying and preserving important archaeological resources throughout the state of Illinois.

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