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  • 01/06/2020 3:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The latest volume of the journal Indiana Archaeology is now available from the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA)

  • 12/19/2019 9:25 AM | Anonymous

    Illinois Association for Advancement Archaeology 

    Permanent Fund 2020 Grant Deadline Reminder

    This a reminder that the application deadline for the 2020 IAAA Permanent Fund grants is Monday, January 20, 2020. Up to three $400 grants will be awarded. The application form as well as guidelines and requirements for a grant are available on the IAAA website under the Permanent Fund link (  Send any questions on the grants to IAAA Permanent Fund Chair, Doug Jackson (

  • 09/13/2019 9:17 AM | Anonymous

    It is with sadness we report the passing of Dr. James Stoltman in Madison, Wisconsin on Wednesday. Dr. Stoltman, an Emeritus Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, was a long-time contributor to the archaeology of the Eastern Woodlands who trained many of the current generation of archeologists practicing in the Midwest. 

    He took students to the field regularly for decades to Prairie du Chien, at the Fred Edwards site, the Bass site, and others. In the last months before he died, he submitted articles for publication in the Wisconsin Archeologist (Brisbois House excavations) as well as contributions to a book.  He will be missed.

    Dr. Stoltman's funeral will be next Tuesday September 17th at 11:00 at Cress Funeral Home in Middleton. The address is 6021 University Ave, Madison, Wisconsin 53705.

  • 08/14/2019 2:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    BARFAA 2019 

    Will be held at 

    1 Campus Drive

    Pere Marquette Room

    Kirkhof Center

    Allendale, MI 49401

    The meeting is scheduled for October 19 from 9-5pm

    (Lunch, morning and afternoon snacks will be provided) 

    With a reception on October 18 from 7-9 pm

    (Snacks will be provided) 

    Registration is now open:  $40 students, $45 faculty 

    Paper and poster submissions focusing on bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology are invited

    Deadline for submission will be Friday, October 4 at 5pm Eastern Time 

    Please send all questions and submissions to Gwyn Madden

    BARFAA Registration Document.docx

  • 08/06/2019 8:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Illinois Archaeological Survey will be held at the Interpretive Center of the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site in Collinsville, Illinois, on September 6 and 7, 2019.  An updated schedule of the meeting and presentations is set out below, along with the preliminary program and abstracts.  Advance registration is now closed. You may register on site, and can also pay the $5.00 registration fee for the September 6 reception on site. 

    On September 6 at 6:30pm, join us at the Interpretive Center for the conference reception, with complementary barbecue, beer, and other beverages, sides, and desserts.  Enjoy an augmented reality demonstration presented by the Illinois State Archaeological Survey based on recent research at the Emerald Acropolis.  Also hear information from Heartlands Conservancy regarding recent efforts to make Cahokia a National Park.

    Join us again at the Interpretive Center starting at 8am on September 7 for a day of presentations, discussions, and posters.

    Plan on an exciting weekend in Cahokia!



  • 07/10/2019 10:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The IAS is soliciting submissions for the 15th Annual Jeanette E. Stephens Student Paper Awards. This paper competition is for undergraduate and graduate student research concerning Illinois archeology. The prize includes $250, books, and journals. The submission deadline has been extended to July 31, 2019.

    Students and Potential Sponsors: For rules and submission details, see the IAS website

    Educators and Employers: Please download and share the announcement poster

  • 07/08/2019 12:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The annual conference of the Illinois Archaeological Survey is scheduled to convene on September 6 and 7, 2019, at the Interpretive Center of the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, The business meeting and conference presentations will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7, and an opening reception on Friday evening, Sept. 6.

    Please submit a presentation proposal, and plan on a fun weekend at Cahokia!!

    * * *

    63rd Annual Meeting of the Illinois Archaeological Survey

    Preservation and Collaboration

    September 6–7, 2019, Cahokia Mounds Interpretive Center, 30 Ramey St., Collinsville, Illinois 62234.

    Call for Presentations

    The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Illinois Archaeological Survey convenes on September 6–7 at the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. It will begin with a free reception at the Interpretive Center on Friday evening. Saturday will be filled with paper and poster presentations, a panel discussion, the annual business meeting, and optional field trips and tours.

    Please send proposed titles and abstracts (up to 150 words) for papers and posters by email to Alleen Betzenhauser ( by August 2, 2019. All topics concerning Illinois archaeology are welcome but papers and posters that engage with this year’s theme of Preservation and Collaboration are encouraged. Papers should be 15 minutes in length, posters will be displayed throughout the day on Saturday.

    More details to come!

  • 05/28/2019 8:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The IAS Public Service Committee is seeking nominations for the following awards.

    - The Illinois Archaeology Public Service Award

    This award recognizes important contributions to Illinois archaeology by public figures, private citizens, organizations and programs for their outstanding efforts to promote, protect and preserve cultural resources.

    - Charles J. Bareis Distinguished Service Award

    This award honors those individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to Illinois archaeology and/or the Illinois Archaeological Survey.

    - The Leonard W. Blake Distinguished Amateur Award

    The Blake award is named in honor of its first recipient. It recognizes avocational archaeologists who have made significant contributions to Illinois archaeology and who have supported the goals and methodologies of professional archaeology.

    - The Illinois Archaeology Career Achievement Award

    This award honors professional archaeologists for outstanding career accomplishments and contributions to our understanding of Illinois prehistory and history.

    - The IAS Memorial Service Award

    This award honors the achievements of Illinois archaeologists whose careers have been cut short by fatal illness or accident.

    A list of past recipients is available on the IAS Website:

    Please send nominations (or questions) to Jamie Kelly at jkelly@fieldmuseum.orgThe closing date for nominations is July 22nd. Awards will be presented at our Annual Meeting in September.

  • 05/28/2019 8:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are seeking nominations from the IAS membership for 6 positions: Treasurer, Secretary, President-Elect and 3 Executive Board Members:

    * Treasurer, Secretary, and President-Elect: terms 2020–2021.

    * 3 Board Members: terms 2020–2022.

    Please forward nominations by July 15th, 2019, to chair of our nominations committee, Ryan Campbell, at 

  • 05/13/2019 10:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A historic freed community is gaining more attention as archaeologists and researchers from Southern Illinois University Carbondale prepare to unearth and share the stories of bravery from those working in the Underground Railroad.

    Two anthropology juniors, Megan Carson of Percy, Illinois, and Michaela Hoots of Galatia, Illinois, are gearing up to uncover more of the hidden history of Miller Grove and will share their findings in a unique way. Read more in the link below:

About us

The Illinois Archaeological Survey is a society of professional archaeologists, and other technical professionals, dedicated to identifying and preserving important archaeological resources throughout the state of Illinois.

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