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  • 01/19/2018 1:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Commonwealth Heritage Group desires to fill the position of Principal Investigator. The position will be located in our Milwaukee, Wisconsin office. This senior-level Principal Investigator position that requires supervisory experience in conducting Phase I surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recoveries. Additional requirements include, a minimum of five-year practical experience in CRM. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of a M.A. in anthropology/archaeology, with a specialization in Midwestern/Great Lakes prehistoric archaeology. 

    This position will be responsible for the management of multiple and/or multi-disciplinary CRM projects. This position requires expert knowledge of the Section 106 and NEPA process and the ability to prepare well organized, thorough CRM documents is essential. Experience with multiple market sectors including transportation, energy, and federal land management is preferred. Experience with Trimble GPS equipment and GIS is essential. Areas of analytical expertise are open, but demonstrated ability to conduct artifact analyses and write key sections of reports (methods, results, artifact analyses) is a must. 

    Salary range for this position is competitive and dependent on experience with opportunities for advancement and higher salary; we seek a candidate who wishes to grow within the company. Commonwealth offers an excellent range of benefits (health, dental, life, and disability insurance, 401(k) with employer contribution, paid leave, etc.). Commonwealth is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Send letters of interest, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and a list of three professional references with contact information to: 

    Andrew J. Weir 


    Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc. 

    3225 Central Street, Dexter, MI 48130 

  • 01/10/2018 3:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Illinois State Historic Preservation Office is looking for an archaeologist for its Review and Compliance Section. Beginning today, the posting will be open for ten days.

    Please feel free to share this job posting with any and all potentially interested, qualified applicants. 

  • 10/05/2017 1:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This position is accountable for coordinating compliance procedures for department projects involving cultural resources with special attention to architectural resources such as historic buildings and bridges. To receive federal funding for departmental projects, cultural resources must be examined in accordance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended; and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966.

    IDOT Position opening October 2017.pdf

  • 07/28/2017 10:04 AM | Anonymous

    Visiting Archaeological Projects Coordinator 

    Central Offices 

    Illinois State Archaeological Survey 

    Prairie Research Institute 

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), Prairie Research Institute (PRI), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is seeking a Visiting Archaeological Projects Coordinator for its Central Offices, located in Champaign, IL. This individual will coordinate the flow of information between the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the various Field Stations of ISAS, concerning archaeological survey requests.

    Associated duties will include facilitating the flow of the work process for IDOT Statewide survey projects from receipt of the Environmental Survey Request (ESR) to completion and submittal of the Archaeological Survey Short Report (ASSR) and the Archaeological Testing Survey Report (ATSR). Coordinate with ISAS Data Management Team leadership to maintain and update ISAS Project Database for Statewide Survey along with related project files and information. Accurately evaluate relevant information and post survey requests, completed ASSRs, ATSRs, and State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) reviews on the Project Notification System (PNS) and ensure compliance with standing agreements. Update and maintain list of Programmatic Agreements and Memorandums of Agreement on ISAS website. Prepare and distribute reports on the status of outstanding projects as needed. Maintain ASSR and ATSR files, digital and paper. Assist in the production and submission of reports. Contribute to the production of the annual report of ISAS projects and activities. Engage in field projects as necessary. Participate in public outreach that highlights ISAS activities.

    The successful candidate must have a B.A. in Anthropology, or closely related field. Concentration in archaeology preferred. Minimum of two years of experience in carrying out Phase I and II archaeological field projects in a Midwestern context. Minimum of one year of Phase I field supervisory experience involving directing field projects, authorship of ASSRs, and use of GPS equipment and Geophysical survey methods. Demonstrated proficiency with basic computer word processing, graphic, GIS, and database programs. Minimum of six months experience using Illinois archaeological and transportation databases such as the Archaeological Projects Database, the IDOT Project Notification System (PNS), the State of Illinois Sharepoint website, and the Cultural Resources Management Database, and the Cultural Resources Management Report Archive. Basic knowledge of Midwest archaeological culture history. Basic knowledge of the Historic Preservation Act, Section 106, and State of Illinois historic preservation, burial, and archaeological laws and practices, and Federal Highway Administration Section 106 practices and procedures. Strong writing and editorial background. Effective personal communication, relations, organizational, and leadership skills. Attention to detail and accuracy with demonstrated ability to perform effectively in a diverse and fast-paced work environment consisting of multiple and changing priorities.

    This is a full-time Visiting Academic Professional position, but could become non-visiting in the future, contingent on Survey needs and available funding. Salary is negotiable based on experience. Proposed starting date is as soon as possible after the closing date. The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer.

    All candidates must complete an online profile through <>. Please upload a cover letter, resume detailing your relevant qualifications, and the contact information of three references through this system. To ensure full consideration your application, and supporting documents, must be submitted through this online system, and received by August 8, 2017. For further information regarding application procedures, contact Ms. Janice Pankey, <>. Individuals having questions concerning this position should contact Dr. Brian Adams, <>. 

    The University of Illinois is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit To learn more about the University’s commitment to diversity, please visit 

  • 07/28/2017 10:02 AM | Anonymous

    Field Station Archaeological GIS Specialist 

    American Bottom Field Station 

    Illinois State Archaeological Survey 

    Prairie Research Institute 

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

    The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), Prairie Research Institute (PRI), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is seeking a Field Station Archaeological GIS Specialist for its American Bottom Field Station, located in Fairview Heights, Illinois. This individual will work with the Field Station Coordinator and other staff in overseeing all aspects of GIS and other spatial data use for the American Bottom Field Station (ABFS), a unit of the Illinois State Archaeological Survey. 

    Associated duties will include training staff in the use of GIS and geospatial data manipulation, 2D and 3D modeling, advanced data layer merging, the use of map algebra or buffering, working with spatial databases, mapping, cartography, data collections/creation and management. This also includes training staff in best practices, methodology, troubleshooting; providing guidance in the use of data; and providing instruction in the technical aspects of equipment and software use. The Archaeological GIS Specialist will work with research staff to provide direction and feedback on the use of GIS data to assist in the completion of assigned projects and tasks in an accurate and timely manner. Will communicate with management and contractors for the purpose of coordinating and administering the use of GIS projects and data into archaeological research. Will supervise subordinate staff, which includes task assignments, ongoing performance monitoring and evaluation, career/position mentoring, and leave/ travel approval. The Archaeological GIS Specialist will also administer field mapping hardware/software (GPS data collectors and electronic survey equipment/total station). Collect field data using GPS and total station equipment. Administer hardware including workstations, plotter/printers, larger format scanner, and digitizers related to GIS and cartography. Will also administer and maintain GIS and other mapping software for the ISAS American Bottom Field Station. 

    The successful candidate must have a M.A./M.S. in Geography, Anthropology, or closely related field, emphasis in GIS preferred. Plus, a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in 1) using GIS-based spatial data in an archaeological context, and 2) participation in archaeological field and laboratory investigations in the Eastern Woodlands cultural area. Basic familiarity with Eastern Woodlands culture history, Illinois archaeological cultural history and research agendas, and the use of GIS and related programs in an archaeological context required. Demonstrated ability to complete GIS-related projects and reports in timely and competent manner. Must have basic familiarity with computer work processing, graphic, and database programs. Must have demonstrated training in working with ArcGIS, ArcServer versions 8, 9, 10, Trimble Pathfinder Office, FileMaker, Windows and Mac OS, VMWare. Demonstrated ability to perform effectively with a professional demeanor in a diverse and fast-paced work environment consisting of multiple and changing priorities, under minimal supervision. Must possess effective communication, personal relations, teamwork, and leadership skills. 

    This is a full-time Academic Professional position. Salary is negotiable based on experience. Proposed starting date is as soon as possible after closing date. The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer. 

    All candidates must complete an online profile through Please upload a cover letter, resume detailing your relevant qualifications, and the contact information of three references through this system. To ensure full consideration all requested information must be submitted through this online system, and received by August 3, 2017. For further information regarding application procedures, you may contact Ms. Janice Pankey, <>. Individuals having questions concerning this position should contact Dr. Tamira Brennan <>.

    The University of Illinois is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit To learn more about the University’s commitment to diversity, please visit 

  • 07/27/2017 11:55 AM | Anonymous

    Southern Illinois University Carbondale invites applications for the position of Assistant Scientist (Curator, Center for Archaeological Investigations), 12 month, A/P appointment).  Applicants must have a PhD in Anthropology or related discipline with a specialization in Archaeology. Geographic, topical, and temporal (prehistoric or historic) specialties are open, but preference is for North America.  Applicants must have supervisory experience including but not limited to the supervision and training of graduate student assistants, undergraduate student workers, and other employees in the curation of archaeological materials and records in compliance with state and federal laws. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in working with NAGPRA-related issues is desired. Applicants also should have a demonstrated record of successfully obtaining and completing grant and/or CRM contract-funded research projects in a university, museum, government agency, or private sector setting with a commensurate record of peer reviewed publications and/or CRM compliance report completion. As curator, the individual will have responsibility for administering the CAI curation facility, maintaining and updating the CAI NAGPRA inventory, overseeing the care of human remains and funerary objects, expanding the CAI’s role in research and training, and conducting and publishing their own research.


    For complete details, please visit, position COLA-838. 


    Deadline for Application: August 14, 2017, or until filled.


    Person to Contact: Mark Wagner, Chair of Search Committee, Center for Archaeological Investigations, 1000 Faner Dr., Mail Code 4527, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 (email:; phone 618-453-5055). E-mail or mail application letter that summarizes your administrative and teaching experiences, research interests, publication record, and potential contribution to the Center and Department along with your curriculum vita and three letters of recommendation.


    SIU Carbondale is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer of individuals with disabilities and protected veterans that strives to enhance its ability to develop a diverse faculty and staff and to increase its potential to serve a diverse student population. All applications are welcomed and encouraged and will receive consideration.

  • 07/26/2017 5:46 PM | Anonymous

    Visiting Archaeometry Research Specialist (25% time), Killarney Research Annex

    Illinois State Archaeological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


    The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), Prairie Research Institute (PRI), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is seeking a quarter-time Visiting Archaeometry Research Specialist for its Killarney Research Annex, located in Urbana, Illinois. This individual will work with the Associate Director, Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials (ATAM) program, and other staff in providing technical expertise and research support in the interpretation and presentation of archaeometric data related to the investigation of archaeological materials for the Illinois State Archaeological Survey. Associated duties will include providing technical expertise and research support in the interpretation and presentation of archaeometric data related to investigations of archaeological materials. This includes laboratory work involving collagen extraction and apatite purification for stable isotope analysis and operation of isotope mass spectrometer (elemental analyzer, Kiel device); the presentation and interpretation of archaeometric isotope data; and collaboration with senior researchers on technical and research reports, and other presentations and professional publications associated with disseminating research results. The Visiting Archaeometry Research Specialist will provide management and oversight of archaeometric analyses and will supervise assigned staff; this includes task assignments, training, scheduling, performance monitoring and evaluation, position/career mentoring, and leave/travel approval.

    The successful candidate must have a B.A./B.S. in Archaeology, Anthropology, or related field; plus, archaeological field and laboratory experience in North America. Must have a minimum of seven years’ experience in the analysis, interpretation and presentation of isotope data—including demonstrated proficiency in collagen extraction and apatite purification for stable isotope analysis, operation of isotope mass spectrometer (elemental analyzer, Kiel device). Technical training, experience with lab procedures, equipment, and relevant software is required. Must have knowledge of archaeometric techniques with an emphasis on isotope and elemental analyses, and have documented experience in interpreting and presenting results of isotopic analysis in professional contexts and publications. Demonstrated ability to perform effectively with a professional demeanor in a diverse and fast-paced work environment consisting of multiple and changing priorities, under minimal supervision. Must possess effective communication, organizational, interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills. Attention to detail and accuracy is critical. Familiarity with Midwestern archaeological chronology, material culture, cultural history and research agendas. Strong computer skills, including MS Word, Excel, Photoshop, Powerpoint, FileMaker, DataGraph, as well as other commonly employed databases and software.

    This is a Visiting Academic Professional position but could become non-visiting, in the future, contingent on funding and Survey needs. Salary is negotiable based on experience. Proposed starting date is as soon as possible after the closing date. The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer.

    All candidates must complete an online profile through Please upload a cover letter, resume detailing your relevant qualifications, and the contact information of three references through this system. To ensure full consideration your application, and supporting documents, must be submitted through this online system and received by August 8, 2017. For further information regarding application procedures, you may contact Ms. Janice Pankey, <>. Individuals having questions concerning this position should contact Dr. Kristin Hedman,

    The University of Illinois is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit To learn more about the University’s commitment to diversity, please visit 

  • 05/24/2017 1:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Missouri Department of Transportation has an opening in its Historic Preservation Section* for an Archaeologist.  Our ideal candidate is someone who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for conducting archaeological studies, has demonstrated the ability to perform/juggle varied & complex historic preservation studies to identify historic properties and to assess & mitigate adverse effects to these properties in compliance with federal laws and regulations.


    Information about the position and how to apply are at


    Please contact me if you have any questions about the position, or Donielle Lawson ( with questions about the hiring process.



    Mike Meinkoth

    Historic Preservation Manager

    Missouri Department of Transportation

    601 West Main Street

    Jefferson City, MO  65102



  • 04/18/2017 5:44 PM | Anonymous

    Visiting Archaeological Spatial Analyst 

    Central Illinois Office 

    Illinois State Archaeological Survey 

    Prairie Research Institute 

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

    The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is seeking a Visiting Archaeological Spatial Analyst for its Central Illinois office located in Champaign, IL. This individual will contribute relevant information to the GIS team to ensure project deliverables. Associated duties will include performing GIS spatial analysis and remodeling relating to archaeological research. Manipulate data to create information products to meet the Survey’s specific needs. Perform complex archaeological and spatial analysis using ArcGIS. Prepare metadata and document GIS workflows.

    The successful candidate must have a B.A., M.A. preferred, in Anthropology, Geography, or closely related field, plus two years’ experience performing GIS-related spatial analysis. Experience working with spatial information. Experience working with GIS data to conduct complex spatial analysis, generate maps, create vector and raster output, create map layouts and views, and generate maps and reports. Demonstrated proficiency with ArcGIS software. Ability to read and use maps. Ability to perform repetitive tasks with great attention to detail and accuracy. Working familiarity with existing methodology of archaeological site location modeling. Demonstrated proficiency with SQL. Demonstrated proficiency with FileMaker Database application. Proficiency with commonly employed software and databases. General familiarity with the archaeology of the Midwestern United States. Excellent communication and writing skills and ability to establish open and clear communication with ISAS staff.

    This is a Visiting Academic Professional position but could become non-visiting, in the future, contingent on funding and Survey needs. Salary is negotiable based on experience. Position would be eligible for full university benefits, including health/dental insurance, retirement, vacation and sick leave. Proposed starting date is as soon as possible after the closing date. The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer.

    All candidates must complete an online profile through Please upload your cover letter, resume detailing your relevant qualifications, and the contact information of three references through this system. To ensure full consideration all requested information must be submitted through this online system, and your application received by May 13, 2017. For further information regarding application procedures, contact Ms. Janice Pankey <>. Individuals having questions concerning this position should contact Mr. Michael Farkas, <>.


    The University of Illinois is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit To learn more about the University’s commitment to diversity, please visit 

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The Illinois Archaeological Survey is a society of professional archaeologists, and other technical professionals, dedicated to identifying and preserving important archaeological resources throughout the state of Illinois.

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